Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Not much time to write, but Okie is doing AWESOME at sorting! We've had two lessons, and the instructor and the entire barn absolutely adore the Oklahoma man! Yesterday they had him all saddled and warmed up for me when I got there.

He's a completely different horse than the one I took up there! More later!


Andrea said...

Awesome!! I am so glad he did so well!! Gotta love the cowy Okie horses!! I hope you got pictures!!

Pony Girl said...

Good news! ;) Always figured the Okie boy had some potential to be the sportster in the group!

Dusty Devoe said...

I am so glad Okie found something he likes! Go OAKIE!

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

Hi there,
Your boy is gorgeous!

cowgirljlynn said...

Way to go Palamino Girl!

Desert Rose said...

Glad he did really great for you! Now he only has to "cowhorsethe@#$$up"and be a great trail horse too! Can't have just one job...he costs to much to feed! Hee Hee!